Passing Through Film issue of liquid blackness, volume 2, issue 5, SEPTEMBER 2015
The essays of this issue are also available individually:
Alessandra Raengo - Introduction: Passing Through Film / Passing Through Jazz
Angelo Restivo - The Sound of Color / The Color of Sound: The Aesthetics of Passing Through
Lauren McLeod Cramer - Passing Through: A Methodology for Close Analysis
Ayanna Dozier - Affect and the “Fluidity” of the Black Gendered Body in Water Ritual #1: An Urban Rite of Purification and Cycles
Nicholas Forster - (Don’t Worry) If There’s a Hell Below: Curtis Mayfield, Cinematic Sounding, and Cultural Memory
James Tobias - Three Lines for Passing Through: The Sound, Image, and Haptics of Radical Insight from the Undercommons