2014 liquid blackness symposium: reflections and movements.” liquid blackness 1, no.3 (July 2014)
The essays of this issue are also available individually:
Katharine Zakos: Reflections on the First liquid blackness Symposium
Kristin Juarez: Getting Outside an “Always-already”: Form. Medium. Figure. A Conversation with Hamza Walker
Lauren M. Cramer: Post Liquid Blackness: Form, Satire, and Clearing Gestures. A Conversation with Derek Conrad Murray
Dorothy Hendricks: Towards and Uncodified Vocabulary: Movements in “liquid blackness”
Adam Cottrel: Blackness Bubbles: Figure, Form, Movement
Jasmine Tillman: The Art of Blackness: Queering and Advancing the Black Representational Space
Shady Patterson: All That’s Black Ain’t SOUL’D: Performativity of Blackness in Fahama Pecou’s Work
Christina Romo: liquid blackness meets The Window Project
Michelle Prettyman-Beverly, Dorothy Hendricks, Lauren M. Cramer, Kristin Juarez, Alessandra Raengo: Post-Symposium Reflections