Back to All Events “(A) BLACK LINEAGE OF THE MUSIC ART VIDEO” Thursday, March 28, 2019 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Google Calendar ICS “(A) BLACK LINEAGE OF THE MUSIC ART VIDEO” Alessandra Raengo, Jenny Gunn and Jazmine Hudson of the liquid blackness research group screen and discuss the music video work of contemporary black filmmakers at the Atlanta Contemporary’s “Contemporary Talks” event.Link to the Event hosted by Atlanta Contemporary FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
“(A) BLACK LINEAGE OF THE MUSIC ART VIDEO” Thursday, March 28, 2019 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Google Calendar ICS “(A) BLACK LINEAGE OF THE MUSIC ART VIDEO” Alessandra Raengo, Jenny Gunn and Jazmine Hudson of the liquid blackness research group screen and discuss the music video work of contemporary black filmmakers at the Atlanta Contemporary’s “Contemporary Talks” event.Link to the Event hosted by Atlanta Contemporary FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC